Sunday 26 June 2011

My ''Grab And Go Bag''

This is my small Grab Pack. I need to add many things. This bag was 7.99 from Tesco. This bad is the perfect size to just chuck in the back of the car or to but on your back, without being to heaver. This covers all aspects of survival. Shelter, Food, Water, Fire, First Aid and Navigation.

The Following Items are in this Pack :
·         Bear Grylls Scout Knife
·         2m X 2m Ground Sheet
·         Torch
·         All Purpose Cloth
·         0.5 Litre Bottle
·         1.5 Litre Bladder
·         Pad With Pencil
·         Victorinox Picnicker
·         Victorinox Huntsman
·         LED Lencer Mini Torch
·         SOS Whistle x2
·         Cup-A-Soup
·         0.8 Lire Bag
·         230 ml Lock Box
·         Bilabong Mulitool
·         20 Matches
·         Cotton Wool
·         1 Mess Tin
·         S Hook
·         Mirror
·         Fire Steel
·         Boyz Toyz Knife
·         8 Plasters
·         3 Alcohol Wipes
·         2 Dressings
·         2 Paracetamol
·         3m Paracord
·         Lanyard
·         Magnet
·         Compass
·         Bison Tube
·         Mini Pen
·         Chafer Gel

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